Pound of Coffee

How much coffee do you drink a day?

Posted on: August 10, 2008

~mj~ asked:

I live for my coffee and most likely drink too much of it. I love the taste of coffee. I drink mine black. How do you take yours?
if you don’t drink coffee why would you answer the question?

41 Responses to "How much coffee do you drink a day?"

I don’t drink cofeeeeeeee sorryyyyyyy

I used to drink coffee with cream and sugar.

about 5 cups
cream and sugar

I drink a cup in the morning and 1-2 in the evening with my hubby. I drink mine with flavored creamer and sugar or I couldn’t drink it at all!

I dont drink much coffee.
But when I do I drink it with just sugar.

2-3 cups a day with hazelnut! yum yum

none, i’ve never drunk coffee and i never will

None…it kills my stomach…an occasional Starbucks cup now and again….

I don’t drink coffee period. I **** the taste of it, no matter how much milk/cream or sugar I put in it. I’d rather get my caffeine by drinking pepsi or coke.

2 cups in the am if im lucky.. 3 sugars and cream

2-3 cup a day with cream no sugar

Black and Only Once at the weekend!
I find I need to be Calm & Rational and too Much Coffee affects me!

I love Dunkin Cappuccino, Black is also good, but for me? … no!

just one cup with a little half and half

I drink more than you, and less than the persons answer above me. But truth be told about three. 🙂

none but i do worst i drink coca cola

i go through 3 pots a day.i guess i am addicted,i drink it black.

None on a regular basis but when I occasionally do, it is more like hot chocolate made with coffee instead of water. I love the smell but no amount of cream and sugar makes it palatable for me.

Coffee makes me ill so I drink zero (but I love to smell it).

My wife must have one first thing in the day and then has another one or two in the AM but none late in the day. (All light with no sugar).

Well up until my old man started freaking out about it i was drinking about 2 full pots a day! But he was really worried about me so I cut down to a couple cups, every once in a while i’ll drink a whole pot still! I like mine black! Don’t want anything to ruin the taste of it!

I love coffee too. I usually drink it with a little heavy cream and that’s it. I have a cup when I get up and one around 4pm. I never drink it after 6pm because I just won’t be able to go to sleep at 10pm. I often drink it more during the day. Winter is ahead and coffee is my favorite winter drink.
So drink up friends and have a wonderful day!

I’m down to 2 mugs a day, drinking more gives me the jitters…oh and the Dr. Peppers help with my caffeine jolt too. LOL
I take two & two, sugar and cream

Its depends on whether or not i am sleepy or tired, if i am, i usually drink 2 cups during the day. I take mine with cream or milk and no sugar. Trying to stay away from sweets =O).

three times.I like coffee and a little milk.Taste a cup of coffee alone in coffeeshop,u will feel as if u’re enjoyng the taste of yr life.That’s wonderful!

I drink on a normal day, two 20oz. cups. if my 2 yr old is being a 2 yr old and i haven’t gotten any sleep, 1 1/2 pots! I drink mine black (in restaurants) and with vanilla toffee creamer at home.

why would i answer? – you asked how much we drink a day, not ‘if you drink, how much…’

1 cup in the morning with powdered cream and sugar

When at home, a pot to start the day…when on the road, a mugful….

I don’t drink it but I love the smell of it.
No one in my house drinks it any more.
When I was a kid I loved waking up to that smell.
I miss it.

They answered the question for those 2 points.

I drink coffee Monday through Friday. I have to beat work at 7:00 AM. I have two maybe three cups a day. I like my coffee with 3 sugars and a lot of creamer. I’m finishing up a cup or coffee now.

I usually average about 2 or 3 cups of coffee per day, and I like mine with the french vanilla, hazelnut or Irish cream creamers. In Canada, they make a coffee flavored drink called a hot smoothie , and come in different flavours, but by far the best is the hazelnut hot smoothie– they are very addicting!!

none and the reason i answered this question is for two points and to tell you that people who lots of coffee probably have brown yellow teeth and their breath probably stinks 🙂

2-4 cups, depending on the day, and lots of creamer.

People who drink it black are made of sterner stuff


If I can be of further assistance, let me know.

1 cup in the morning to start my day.

I drink 2 to 3 cups a day, with one cream and one sugar!

I LOVE coffee! It is the ‘finest organic infusion in the universe’…I drink a couple pots a day, black, occasionally with flavored creamer. (My guests like creamer) I make excellent coffee. I drink water in between. And to the other guy, my breath doesn’t stink and my teeth are white. Good oral hygiene handles that.

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